Stories from the Pioneers Community

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Alan Wood

Who are you? Alan Wood runs a small consultancy...

Alan Wood
Larisa Gardean

Who are you? Larisa Gardean works as an architect...

Larisa Gardean
Ehab Sayed

Who are you? Ehab Sayed is an innovator in...

Ehab Sayed
Monica Paraschiv

Who are you? Monica Paraschiv studied energy management, and...

Monica Paraschiv
Valéria Horváth

Who are you? Valéria Horváth had previously worked as...

Valéria Horváth
Javier Moliner

Who are you? Prior to participating in the Pioneers...

Javier Moliner
Luka Lampret

Who are you? Luka Lampret is a civil engineer...

Luka Lampret
Maria Ángeles Roca

Who are you? Maria Ángeles Roca is a freelance...

Maria Ángeles Roca
Josef-Florian Micallef

What did you do? Josef took part in a...

Josef-Florian Micallef